Friday, 23 November 2012


Dear Folks,

Here is the first view of one one of our 6 showrooms in the new facility in Almancil..the FIRST consumer THX ULTRA 2 4K cinema in Portugal..

Everything in this room has been considered,from sound roll off\s to THX baffle wall and the use of the Klipsch THX ULTRA 2 speaker system,this is a 9.2 sound system,prepared for 11.2.

**Other kit info to follow...

Around the screen is black velvet and a floating 2.35.1 curved acoustic 8ft wide screen.,hinged to be able to show the speakers behind...the panels are acoustic with suede covering with oak accent front and rear stages with blue accent lighting..

Initial sound checks have confirmed the initial acoustic analysis with a superb deep,crystal clear sound that begins and ends exactly as it should..proof positive that NOTHING touches horn speakers for sound quality in a correctly prepared Cinema room!

As Ive said many times,setup is EVERYTHING..and the most crucial performance aspect is the thought given to ensuring the room is a level platform in terms of audio responses..its not just about the kit.the kit is but the messager of the dream-the dream is the correct construct...

Projectiondreams dedication to fastidious setup,proficiency relating to cinema accuracy and Cinema 360 ideology with the design/acoustics/construct/equipment we use, is what allows us to always do something special for our customers..and in Almancil..this can be seen...

Indeed,we already have numerous appointments booked before we have even opened!

Book yours early...

..So much more to tell you...:-)


Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Hello Folks,

I have delayed the official opening of my new showrooms in Almancil (*though Projectiondreams is still trading as normal) due to my decision to ensure it is truly special in the mix of products/services offered...if your gonna do it right...:-)

Obviously,I dont want to spoil the surprises totally,but I do want to share with you a few *secrets* of some of the uniqueties we will be offering...

To whet your appetite,lets first talk Satellite...this has been a nightmare in the Algarve for the consumer who has only been offered incredibly basic solutions...and convoluted sky card sevices that are incredibly expensive...

..What IF...Projectiondreams had a solution that could give you ALL your Sky channels WITHOUT your need for a card?..What IF you could watch different premium channels in different rooms from ONE sky card?...What IF you could have ALL the premium channels you want for 50% of the normal cost?....Interested?

What IF..Projectiondreams offered FREE satellite channels built into our Media servers and media players..What if you could start watching a movie or T.V program downstairs and finish watching it in your bedroom?

What IF our customers could operate these multi purpose boxes from their iphone?..and the movie paused when you got an incoming call?

At Projectiondreams,we have these solutions NOW..and you will soon be able to see for yourself...

What about finally,a completely customised,cost effective, home automation solution-?

What about the first THX ULTRA consumer cinema on display in portugal,with THX baffle wall?

What about for the first time EVER in Portugal ,the complete expertise of home automation,cinema,security,multi room A.V. and satellite from one QUALIFIED company that ensures ALL is 100% for the customer and completely 100% integrated...

...and this a fraction of what we will have on display...:-)

Best Regards,

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Hello Folks,

As consumers we have many choices,but how do we know whats the best choice?...With many companies professing to be able to do this and that..wheres the truth in the situation?...How does the consumer make an informed choice?

In the Audio Video world,its actually quite easy!

What a customer should look for is pedigree, proficiency and previous work...

At Projectiondreams we have 40 years plus of pedigree-involving real movie company experience-the two highest Audio Video credentials..THX and ISF acreditation and regularly display pics of our projects,indeed ALL the pictures on our website are OUR work.

I would also add that uniquety is important,the ability to produce something special...we`ve done that as well...

BUT..the most important thing to consider is the setup of the kit,all the above contributes to that of course and our Cinema 360 ideology goes way beyond the rank and file purveyors of equipment..

THE truth is its KNOWLEDGE that allows the perfect blend and setup of the right equipment for the space..

A great chef  can blend the ingredients into something special,a beautiful average cook can never do that EVEN if they use EXACTLY the same ingredients-they will never know the correct preperation or the right amounts of ingredients...

Its the same with great setup,great setup comes with knowledge,the ability to make your kit perform at optimum is through experience..someone without that experience can NEVER equal what Projectiondreams are able to do on setup..and there is NOBODY in Portugal with that kind of experience and knowledge of setup apart from Projectiondreams!...Thats a Fact..

There are many *cooks*..there is only ONE to REALLY cook..Projectiondreams...

Our work proves it...and our and old..can see that....we dont just talk the talk..we walk the walk...

We continually set the bar of the customers choice is crystal clear...:-)

Best Regards,

Saturday, 17 November 2012


Hello Folks,

In Europe-as opposed to the U.S.-a Custom Cinema is not seen as essential more desirable.

This is changing..and should..the old mentality of a house having- 4 bedrooms ,a kitchen and a "living" room (**"Living Room"..what does this mean anyway?....we live in ALL the implies nothing,its a nonsensical label...) .. is ..thank god..changing...

Progressive Architects & Developers,are realising that designing a house for 8 people to sleep with other areas only designed for 2/4 is madness...its completely out of balance..yet thats what we have had for indoctrination thats its o.k. to spend 20k plus on your kitchen..(even if you dont cook in)..and 20k plus on a car ..but cheapskate on your entertainment in the home... the U.S....where its the norm to have a Home Theater ..and have a good one....why?

Because in the U.S. they base their home around their entertainment,,their Europe we have based it round our sleeping..:-)

Frankly,I see no sense in spending a fortune in the kitchen-especially in the Algarve where most eat out..or eat outside...who actually spends much time inside in the kitchen? the cooler months ,maybe..3/4 months?

Most families today are 3/5 persons...allowing for a guest bedroom,no average family needs more than 4 bedrooms....most couples certainly dont need more than 2 bedrooms...

So whether an average family or couple..nobody really needs more than 4 bedrooms....

The ideal home in the Algarve for a family or couple would be 2-4 bedrooms,a functional kitchen,the ability to eat outside..outside kitchen/barbeque..AND an Entertainment,that Entertainment space should include the things you like..whatever that may be..most like the Movies..or Sport..or it should include a decent sized t.v. at least,the ability to watch the media you like..indeed why have a seperate computer room..convergence is have a *media area* in your Entertainment room..maybe a pool table,maybe a bar..or IF you have the space..have a Custom Cinema for the ultimate Movie experience....or a Music Room (*hi fi room)......

There are of course other ideas Projectiondreams can fly your way..what about relaxing in the pool and watching a Movie or listening to Music with a nice glass of chilled wine?

Why not have your *Entertainment Room*..outside...?...

I do not consider your Entertainment desirable..I consider it should be about enjoying yourself not counting your unused Bedrooms or lamenting the huge investment in the kitchen when the missus never cooks.....are we that controlled that we only live in our *living* room?...Better lifestyle is about better living and at Projectiondreams we are about helping our customers build a better lifestyle..:-)

..Of course,we live in a society that encourages mass drug taking-Alchohol &Nicotine-to keep us *maleable*..and I like the odd drink as well,but you know what/...who wouldn`t trade all the money squandered in bars and smoking over the years to have something special and non threatening now?

..Do the maths..IF you have spent 100 euros a week on booze or fags for 30 years you have spent over 150,000 Euros....had you could be sitting in that Aston Martin now...or indeed have a Custom cinema and Entertainment room...and a Jacuzzi....

O.K..,i`m sure wev`e had fun along the way..but at one heck of a cost..and who wouldn`t want that money back now?.....and ask yourself this..was it essential?...or Desirable.....really? was at best frivolous,at worst unecessary.....

So,I`m sure we could argue that we have wasted money..that we have been educated to think the more bedrooms our house has the better off we are..whilst we short change our own internal entertainment....

I want to change that...ANYONE that has a basement but NO toys in it needs their head examined..why?..because you would have paid for that basement option when you paid for the house...that SHOULD be the jewel in the crown..the area where ALL your entertainment is contained..whatever it is....and IF you still like a tipple..have your own bar and save more money..increase the size of your property and make your property more valuable..and your lifestyle FAR better...

Vince Myers

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Hello Folks,

An oft overlooked aspect of a Custom Cinema build-or indeed any build-is the requisite project management experience.

At Projectiondreams we have over 15 years project management experience gained managing major  moves/revamps and builds in the corporate world for Blu Chip companies,this has served us well in the custom install business and continues to do so in any install/revamp we take on.

If we state a project time we achieve that to the day.

This project skill & accuracy means that schedules are prepared correctly,lead times for purchases considered and staged payments structured with rationale.

There are no hidden costs on a Projectiondreams project-the whole experience is painless for the customer-as it should be.

Best Regards,
Vince Myers M.D.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


The next generation of 4k resolution (4096×2160) is now officially known as ULTRA HIGH DEFINITION.

It will probably be 2/3 years at least until such sources are available with Uktra high definition Blu Rays etc..but for Projectiondreams it cannot come soon enough,recently we were asked by Sony Europe to evaluate their 4k high end Projector-the only currently available 4k projector able to show 4k sources.

It was stunning,here are some screenshot comparisons with a standard 1920 x 1080 LED projector,exuse the colour variances ,both were set at d65,but the capture of LED images is incredibly tricky.

The thing to notice is the incredible detail in the top shots on each photo,now bear in mind,this is upscaled 1920 x 1080p to 4096 x not true 4k,but nevertheless the sense of actually being there on the SONY VPL VW1000ES was unbelievable....and this kind of performance you can have now..:-)

Sunday, 4 November 2012


Hello Folks,
Every poll iv`e ever read regards this subject is either decided by critics or box office or votes.

There are of course flaws in all process`s,if its the critics choice there has to be some obscure Japanese film or swedish film about whales..:-) office-unless adjusted for inflation-is meaningless and voting is always by current people from the era the poll is taken in... 

Certainly if we look at critics polls,the consistent top movie is Citizen Kane-but box office adjusted for inflation is Gone with the Wind from 1939!..which I would argue certainly proves,based on ticket sales that Gone with the Wind is the most sucessful movie of all time.

Box office not adjusted always turns up Avatar as the top movie..a blatant re hash of Dances with Wolves that rarely features in most polls...but is a far superior movie in every way..

But is it the greatest?  Just because A Movie is massively hyped and loads of folks go and see it isn`t indicative of how many actually liked it..or loved it...

Current public polls are pretty hopeless because most polled are young people whose knowledge of movies is limited to 15-20 years at best...wheres the poll from 90 year old movie fans?....Thats would be more relevant...

..So these polls normally turn up that mediocrity-the Shawshank Redemption as best movie.
Mainly because in the young folks polled,its the only movie without an explosion,wizards wand or chap in a latex suit! ..I.E. the only film with half a story they can remember..

Of course it comes down to personal choice ultimately,but I think there are a handful of movies that can be considered truly great,and by great I mean great performances,great music,great story,great direction and so on...

In terms of directors,I dont particuarly like Speilberg,for me his movies are formulaic and apart from Jurassic Park and Schindlers List,he hasn`t made a very good movie let alone a great one..

George Lucas the same,the Star Wars movies are fun thats all..beyond that..average movies...

I Would also add that for me,its seminal movie moments,overall impact and the fact the movie hasn`t dated- that count as well..

So here top 30..My top tier Movies.

1.Lawrence of Arabia

2.The Searchers

3.Blade Runner

4.As Good as it Gets

5.Dances With Wolves

6.The Excorcist


8.One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest


10.Schindlers List

11.The Godfather Trilogy

13.The Bridge on the River Kwai
14.Mary Poppins

15.Black Narcissus


17.South Pacific

18.Great Expectations

19.Terminator 2

20.Jurassic Park

21.The Jungle Book (Disney)



24.The Great Escape

25.The Bride Of Frankenstein

26.Once Opon a Time In America

27. Predator

28.The Magnificent Seven


30.2001 A Space Odyssey