Dear folks,
During the last few years,Projectiondreams have been involved in many luxurious developments.
There seems to be two chains of thought with regards the development of a high end property and they are..
1.Finish completely.(this means everything down to the furniture..)
2. Finish basically (*this normally means stick a kitchen and a pool in and thats about it..)
Shooting from the hip,in todays market I feel both methods "risky".
1. Huge cost and a big gamble that ALL the finishings will be embraced by one particular buyer..this is normally at best..a protracted sale....
2.Less cost but still a little basic for what todays discerning and techno savvy buyers expect to see at a still high pricepoint..
At Projectiondreams we KNOW a better way..a way to lure top dollar for a high end property without the risks associated with the two points above.
In the old days,developers stuck an expensive kitchen in to give the impression that the property was of a higher level than the cost effective way in which other areas had been developed..this is still happening and there is some merit in this..but on its own its not enough...
We are in the IPAD age,the age of multi channel sound and video distribution & hd pictures,todays buyer expects to see all the "toys"...they are not interested in furniture..they can go to an interior designer for that themselves..easily achieved...
From ALL our feedback.todays buyer wants simplicity when he moves into the property,they want to know that the MAJOR things are done..and done well..that includes the kitchen..BUT crucially,should also include all the technology...
In the U.S. this is known,NO property above $5 million will be offered without all the latest technology..
Step back a moment...put yourself in the buyers want to see uniquety at the high price point..
What about a lift down to the cinema or entertainment area?...what about a huge statement 4k t.v. in the lounge with nice Meridian speakers?...the ability to have music and movies around the house?...Maybe an outside cinema?
As a buyer what would you buy given a choice?...a 5 million villa with none of these things..or a 5million villa with all of these things?
EVERY developer that has entrusted the technological spec of his villa to Projectiondreams has been rewarded by a reasonably fast sale .
Why?...Because we have the knowledge to put in systems that through careful matching and setup will give the impression of a far more expensive system...using the latest U.S. & our own proprietory home automation solutions we can save a developer an average of 30-50k on an automated house over limited off the shelf packages like Control 4..
The buyer wants to control everything simply..they are not brand conscious here..IF the IPAD controls everything..they are` happy...
We dont for example suggest ridiculously expensive hi fi speakers for the cinema..(*We install Cinema speakers such as Klipsch-with 40 years of cinema pedigree and in all the top commercial cinemas worldwide-in other words.. fit for purpose.)-thats madness and offers NO benefit other than to the sellers pocket...I have heard of a few ill matched systems being put in with ludicrously expensive designer speakers..(*that are out performed by true cinema speakers for 30% of the cost..) with a crummy projector and poor setup....
This will impress buyer..and todays buyers are techno savvy...and will soon spot ill matched components...they want the PERFORMANCE....they want 4k,thx,multi channel sound..and we are upto 11.2 channels now....thats cutting edge....9.2 is the minimum needed for todays soundtracks....
Yet there are people putting in 7.1 and 7.2....or even 5.2/1...this is outdated before the install is finished...and todays buyers know that...
Obviously,todays developers-in the main-are not Audio Visual experts,they are not aware of the latest technological advancements that occur almost daily now-so how can they equip that property correctly technologically to "grab" a techno savvy buyer?
Terrible mistakes can be made by using the wrong company that doesn`t have the requisite A.V. knowledge-systems can be put in that are actually detrimental to the sale..For example I have seen many examples of ancient cheapo projectors not even focused and home made screens in appallingly presented- so called cinema high end and very expensive villas where every other aspect exhudes class and has been beautifully executed.....
Absolutely ruins the property...
So what happens when that buyer walks round the property and winds up in the "cinema"..what IF he`s a Movie fan..what IF he thinks.."This is poor but I cant be bothered to pull it all out and start again"..THAT alone can lose the sale...
..Especially IF that other property he looked in had a terrific basement complex..or a fantastic cinema..
Counter balance that with a potential buyer winding up in a stunning basement complex,with a superbly executed Entertainment room or Cinema..THAT alone can cement a sale...
EVERYBODY wants the most they can get for their astute developer with a very strong A.V. partner is in pole position to achieve their price with well planned technological the very least-increase the chances of sale...
But a high end villa with little or poorly executed technology?...
Not a prayer of sale...because todays buyers expect to have the technology and classy components above a certain price point..and that price point is definately 2 million and above..(*if not below..)
One developer asked me IF i could guarantee a sale with the inclusions of the right technologies..I said I couldn`t because there are no guarantees in life..I can guarantee a better chance though..I can guarantee that the villas quality level won`t be let down and the standard maintained throughout...
There are properties I know of now, that are way over priced and from talking to agents will never achieve that price..BUT they may IF they had all the toys,yet a developer will get to a point where he doesn`t want to spend a penny more but will happily wait upto 2 years for a sale whilst spending fortunes in maintenance costs/taxes/loans then STILL have to reduce the price by a few hundred thousand (in some cases millions) to sell...
Does this make ANY sense?...
I have seen statement cinemas and basements clinch a sale..and how does one know what a buyer really wants today?...Maybe that buyer for that property wants a stunning basement complex or great home automation..maybe that`s THE key point on his wish list...?
Does anyone bother to ask about expectations?
Indeed is there feedback given to clients from agents along the lines of..."The buyer didn`t like the lack of technology..or the fact the Cinema looked cheapo-or the basement was "unfinished"..I advise such and such...".....
Honest comment cannot hurt however unpalatable....
I have recently spoken to many property agents and suggested that Projectiondreams do a "Technological Audit" to let them know IF/WHERE that property is deficient in technological terms-so this feedback can go to the property owner to allow an informed choice..
Because that`s what it comes down to...a fighting chance by spending less now...or lose hundreds of thousands even millions in the future..
I am not afraid of difficult conversations,and sometimes it can be difficult, convincing the client of those obvious technological enhancements give them an increased chance of sale.
At Projectiondreams we we always tell it like it is..and are always in our customers corner- not only to give them that "fighting" chance-but from a technological standpoint..the correct advice & best chance of sale..
So come and talk to us...let us add value and the perception in the buyers eyes of an even higher performing system through great setup and planning..thats OUR skill...and nobody else in Portugal can achieve that for you...we put our money where our mouth want something unique? want to sell that villa?...come see us..and see at our showrooms a top cinema the likes of which can`t be seen anywhere else in Portugal-let alone the Algarve:-)
...Apart from this-there are many further quality & knowledge validations that make Projectiondreams unique in Portugal..just one of which is...anyone can say they are the best..we prove it..
The first A.V. company in 20 years in Portugal ever to be featured in the top Home Cinema magazine in Europe..Home Cinema Choice...with our Stargate cinema for a major developer...
Imagine a potential buyer being told his Cinema has industry "famous"?...think that may aid the chance of sale..:-)
This villa has a Cinema by Projectiondreams...the best in Europe.