Dear Folks,
The "art" of Interior Design is an oft misunderstood one..
To understand TRUE interior design one has to consider what good interior design is trying to achieve.
TRUE interior design is establishing the clients "likes",working to a customers brief/requirement and creating using ones`s skills, what they may desire.
It is the creation of the desired and exceeding their mandate..
Of course the definition of Interior Design in the Algarve can be a little different-in a lot of cases one pays for an expensive decorator that sells objects for twice the price of what they are most instances through skillful sales technique and BS,the client is made to think they are getting something truly special..
These folks through successful self invention and hob nobbing with the right people are of course legends in their own lunch times.
This ISNT Interior Design..
We are called Projectiondreams Audio Video Interiors for a very good reason..we design to a clients desire,we accomplish the "impossible" by incorporating innovative design themes with Audio Video excellence...we understand viewing angles..fields of view..colour temperatures..required Lumens of light to create a certain environment...our M.D. Vincent Myers is an ISF (*image science foundation) calibrator...he knows more about achieving correct colour than every Interior Designer in Portugal put together!
Ask yourself one question...Is there ANY Interior Designer in Europe..let alone Portugal that could create an Egyptian/Sci Fi themed Cinema like the Stargate-which we have won world wide accolade for?
There is not..and the proof is in the pudding...NO Interior designer in Portugal has ever done anything so unique and innovative-and IF they were required to..they would hire us..:-)
We have gone one step further...with SRT..(*Specific Room Tuning) be able to create a jazz club if you require in a basement..that SOUNDS like a jazz club ...
We manufacture our own furniture..saving the client thousands....yes..we supply Interior Designers as well...
Our client brief for the Stargate Cinema was .."I want a sense of mystery,Ancient Egypt and Science Fiction"....From this clients desire alone we created the Stargate..we did everything..from the design of the Egyptian achieving the correct sandstone colour and the correct Karnak Maroon..from creating mood lighting that achieved the mysterious ..and all operable from an IPAD...heck..we even built a replica Stargate that moved and stuck it in the ceiling....
That`s TRUE Interior Design...
Interior Design isn`t wafting around a house espousing "caribbean cream for that wall darling accented by my chaisse longue in Siberian leather stretched on the thigh of a virgin"..(*=Maxmat paint and recovered Conforama Sofa..)`s creating a special TOTAL environment...
The greatest Interior Designers are Project Managers ..pulling together the requisite artisans to create the special....there are a very few of these in the world..and they use companies like Projectiondreams for the most difficult spaces ...
The difference with Projectiondreams is that we have our OWN artisans..our own designers..our own builders..many levels above the average decorators used by a lot of "Interior Designers"..we can produce stunning furniture and stunning seating..we are also agents for Hypnos beds..the best beds in the we can do your whole house..the lighting..the control...the Audio Video..enveloped in fantastic spaces..whatever you want..we won`t waft around your property espousing "Siberian Leather Darling"..we will be no you great 4d renderings before the project of what ANY given space could look like... we will work with you to arrive at your dream home where anything is possible...
THE most difficult room to design and build in any house is a Cinema..Interior Design PLUS Audio Video excellence and lighting..bedrooms?..Lounges..?..for us..a piece of cake..
For any customer that want`s the special..come and see us..come to the source...come to a company with over 50 years combined knowledge of environments,lighting,design,Audio Video,custom furniture and seating..with proof of the special...
..And by saying all the above I mean not to denigate the good Decorators..they have their place of course..but mediocre decorators that call themselves "Interior Designers"..that have delusions of grandeur and sell a bit of overpriced furniture and paint..are CON MERCHANTS...that`s all...taking exhoribant sums from the customers pocket and depriving them of purchasing/creating the real "special"...
These folks need to be gone because they are obscuring the customers view of the real talented..
There ARE very good Interior Designers and we work together with them and know them..just come and see us and we shall recommend..or we shall do it all for you...produce better quality AND save you money into the bargain...