Monday, 20 October 2014


Dear Folks,

To understand Projectiondreams authenticity to the medium of Cinema,first we must understand real high end commercial Cinema`s and their objectives..

From the 1950`s to present the aim has been to enthrall Cinema goers with the quality experience of sound and vision.

Broken Arrow (1950)

***In settings set to 720p..

The picture quality from the 1950`s with use of Panavision and Todd AO-then of course Cinerama and IMAX has been widescreen with aspects of 2.35.1 and greater deployed.(*No 16.9 screens in top commercial Cinemas)-to occupy peripheral side vision of the customer and "wrap them up" in the movie!

Greater than 4K resolutions (4 x HD) have been the norm from 70mm film since the 1950`s..3D has been around for almost 70 years!

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

***In settings set to 1080p

Cinerama South Seas Adventure (2013)

***In settings set to 720p..

How The West Was Won (1962)

***In settings set to 1080p

Of course sound has followed suit,multi channel audio tracks from magnetic film to digital have advanced to 11 channels of Audio with formats like DTS and DOLBY DIGITAL..things have moved on further now with the advent of DOLBY ATMOS that can -at the mixing stage position sound as "objects" in space..100`s of sound objects are possible through currently upto 64 speakers!

In top Commercial Cinemas there are stringent criteria employed to achieve best placement of speakers,correct viewing distances,minimised sound reflections and reverberation-best light dispersal and so on..companies like THX and ISF have set benchmarks in audio and video reproduction that must be adhered to.

A successful Home Custom Cinema MUST follow the same mandate and at the very least replicate the very best commercial Cinema experience..

At Projectiondreams we have specified 2.35.1 ratio screens and anamorphic len`s for almost 15 years-we have gone further with curved screens to remain faithful to the concept of Cinerama..

We regularly install TRUE 4K projectors and have calibrated the first European Demonstration models for Sony Professional..we are THX and ISF qualified with many years experience-and have indeed devised our own total synergy criteria-Cinema 360..that aims to remain faithful in every aspect to TRUE Cinema.

In terms of audio we have created circular Cinema to erradicate totally reflections..something even most top commercial Cinemas struggle with..

The brands we use are faithful to top commercial Cinema as well...Klipsch speakers used in 90% of top cinemas in the U.S...

Klipsch Pro Cinema Speakers

Sony digital 4K projectors..also used in only the very best commercial Cinemas...

Sony Pro Digital 4K Projectors

as but two examples...our next Cinema completing in 4 weeks will be the first DOLBY ATMOS cinema in Portugal...with 11.2 channels carrying 100`s of sound objects..


ALL our products can be validated with a true commercial Cinema pedigree..we are faithful to that..we don`t put over expensive  hi fi speakers in Cinemas because some manufacturer has jumped on the bandwagon..we remain authentic to the Cinema medium and have scaled criteria for the home so that ANY Projectiondreams Cinema will EASILY outperform any companies Cinema because we are stringent in our application of Cinema ideology..we are faithful to the medium..we are authentic..

Even in our design of Cinemas EVERYTHING is considered..we custom build our own Cinema seating,cabinetry,acoustic panels...every facet is handled by us to achieve the synergy necessary to make the experience spectacular...

Other companies (*some that try and copy our every move)..we don`t consider any more than Elvis would have worried about an impersonator...:-)..

We would not disrespect our customers by offering any less than the "REAL DEAL",,,:-)

We are innovators not immitators..

Best Regards,
Vincent Myers M.D.