Tuesday, 31 October 2017


In 1977 on the release of STAR WARS,George Lucas heard the sound at a local Cinema and was appalled at the sound and the fact it sounded nothing like he had heard when making/mixing the movie.

In 1983 -within Lucasfilm Ltd,to make sure that Return of the Jedi didn`t suffer the same audio fate as Star Wars, the THX program was born,developed primarily by Tomlinson Holman (Tom  Holman`Xperiment ) and aimed to ensure that Cinemas could replicate audio to the level the director had intended.

This meant strict criteria for the speakers,amplifiers and the auditorium itself and stringent testing to achieve a THX certification**.

**"The THX system is not a recording technology and it does not specify a sound recording format: all sound formats, whether digital (Dolby DigitalDTSSDDS) or analog (Dolby StereoUltra Stereo), can be "shown in THX". THX is mainly a quality assurancesystem. THX-certified theaters provide a high-quality, predictable playback environment to ensure that any film soundtrack mixed in THX will sound as near as possible to the intentions of the mixing engineer. THX also provides certified theaters with a special crossover circuit whose use is part of the standard. Certification of an auditorium entails specific acoustic and other technical requirements; architectural requirements include a floating floorbaffled and acoustically treated walls, non-parallel walls (to reduce standing waves), a perforated screen (to allow center channel continuity), and NC30 rating for background noise ("ensures noise from air conditioning units and projection equipment does not mask the subtle effects in a movie's soundtrack."

In 2002 the THX ideology and process were sold to Creative (video card manufacturers) and in 2016 sold again to Razer (The games manufacturers).

But the stringent criteria for validating the right equipment for high end Cinemas -commercial & consumer,remains.



For Projectiondreams THX is incredibly important and Projectiondreams is one of the few companies in europe that has a THX trained professional onboard (trained under John Dahl) ...

This ensures that Projectiondreams can setup Audio to the standard expected by the director using equipment validated by the THX testing process.

For example, we use Parasound Amps and M &K SPEAKERS..both used by George Lucas to listen to his soundtracks..both rigidly tested by THX.

Klipsch speakers used in most major Cinemas in the U.S.

Epson projectors,Panasonic t.v.s.....etc..

THX is a crucial part of Cinema..but there are others..we adhere to all of them within our CINEMA PEDIGREE ethos..


THX Cinema in process...

So folks..COME TO THE PROFESSIONALS...get the quality you deserve...and a great tip?

For Cinema..DONT TOUCH IT if its not THX approved...


Vincent Myers M.D.

#algarvehomecinema #projectiondreams

Friday, 20 October 2017



Finally...the era of bulb projectors is finished...the days of 3-4,000hrs on a projector is a thing of the past now there is laser projection.

Bulb projectors needed calibrating and re calibrating as the bulb grew dimmer.

So really,a bulb projector needed at least 5 re calibrations in its lifetime..theres a 1500 Euro cost for you..

Laser projectors have one other VERY strong advantage.

They only need calibration ONCE...

Then they last at least 20,000 hours!..5 times longer than a normal bulb projector..and no need for 5 bulb changes!

Projectiondreams now have the ONLY 2 showrooms in Portugal with Laser projector Cinemas and currently the only one in Europe operating via 4k wireless technology in our Almancil showroom.

This means placement of equipment is far more flexible ..the source could be in another room completely from the Laser projector-we have even determined the Millisecond audio delay via wireless allowing lipsynch precision of Audio with the video image.

This attention to detail,with optimal & accurate setups for daytime and nightime viewing,is the difference between a Custom Home Cinema from Projectiondreams and large screen viewing from someone else.

Our Almancil showroom,


Our Laser projectors are from Sony Professional and Projectiondreams are the ONLY allowed Audio Video company in the Algarve allowed to sell.

For a bit of history,Projectiondreams were the company chosen to set up Sonys first European 4K projector for European demonstration.

Vincent Myers Group M.D. of Projectiondreams says;-

 "Sony have the greatest Cinema pedigree in the world with the invention of true 4K DCI projectors  for both commercial and now consumer use-there are none better.-Their consumer laser projectors with the longevity of life with a great setup that won`t change finally allows the customer to have years and years of projected image quality!"


Tel No.....910 510821

#algarvehomecinema #projectiondreams

Saturday, 7 October 2017


Dear Folks,

I have long lamented the complete and utter lack of imagination shown to most "high end" new builds in the Algarve.

Shapeless over priced boxs` with over priced gardens and kitchens ,basic Chinese technology,cheap and nasty lighting..big square pool (of course..square is easier..)-or rather a concrete hole with water...in an "exclusive" area whereby the original exclusivety has been determined for you of course.

So whats THIS build process?..Easy formula..Eastern European building team forced to work to a shoestring....thrown up by numbers...over priced interior design with names nobody has ever heard of by interior designers that nobody in Paris or New York has ever heard of ..

Over priced mediocrity perpetrated by re invented persons in the most part..little background in that field where they profess expertise...

For all this the client is charged top dollar after a couple of well placed lunches,copious amounts of wine and a good sales pitch.....

I know this because ive seen the same pattern-again and again- over the last few years.

Now,due to a complete lack of real care and total quality and innovative ideas..i have established the Pedigree Group to reverse this trend..

Already with our CASA ATLANTIS project we have gained huge accolade with our attention to detail..over the last 19 years Projectiondreams Audio Video Interiors have built ALL the difficult stuff that others cannot..wine rooms,Gyms,Entertainment Basements,Custom Cinemas...you think a luxury kitchen or bathroom is hard for us?..:-)


Our ethos is TRUE high end..EVERYTHING will be the best as we have determined..our testimonials and awards prove this..these can ALL be shown to the client..we can demonstrate indoor and outdoor living..

You can come to us..or get a hotch potch of companies..some which will be fine..some decent..some rubbish..ALL will be on back handers ..the A,V, or Automation companies used will be the ones that play the game..the bitches of the interior designers and builders...

We do it all..why?..because we have the ability to do it all...and show that we can..we are a one stop shop with the Pedigree Group..where total synergy is ultimately presented and delivered under MY guidance..all my people,trades,products are hand picked..they must ALL work together for the common aim..delivering a great service and end product.

If they dont..they are kicked into touch..simple as that...no backhander will save anyone with me IF i feel they are not good enough..

Thats the BIG difference..the prices from start to finish will be fair..you want a top chanderlier in your hallway..you`ll GET IT....what you wont get is some piece of Chinese glass thats cost $50 -that by the time its been brought over to Portugal..re invents itself as an "Italian" brand that costs $10,000...

I believe in a fair profit..not an obscene profit..i want people to go.."Fantastic..and the price was fair"..and we gain more recommendations...and we can push the envelope of whats possible..

Someone spending a large budget on a property?...you want a "Dream property"...or a facsimile of a dream property?

We deliver the former.in all we do...

Of course folks say.."well you shouldnt have ago at the competition to gain business".

Im not..im telling the truth and we have NO competition..in the Audio Video arena in Portugal..in Pedigree Renovations now..our success past and present proves that..

Ive always loved the Entertainment industry..i was an Operations Manager/Director for major companies like Honeywell,US Robotics,Zenith Data Systems and latterley ARRI for over 15 years running huge operations and projects..with 5 top..worldwide industry awards...

Thats JUST the Project Management pedigree..

ALL of this knowledge..what price?...success and a great job for the client thats what...

The Pedigree Group is run by professionals..for professionals..we are not modest..we are not here to "compete" with mediocrity..or be that mediocrities "bitch" we are here to change the ethos of what TRUE quality is and how its achieved...the customer is king...

The revolution beqan in earnest 10 years ago..it is a tide that cannot be turned nor will we care if we offend the sensabilitys of the inept..

Because IF there is any REAL competition to the Pedigree Group ethos..let them prove it..be proud to show your credentials..and your track record..as we do...

I welcome competition..i want everything to get more competitive..then we will go up another gear..let others join my revolution..and let clients have a choice of numerous quality purveyors...

For now..The Pedigree Group may standalone...but we welcome others to THE ELITE TRADERS concept...


Anyone that joins Elite Traders shall be vetted..IF that company cannot prove at least 5 years trading history under the same trading name they shall not be admitted.


Vincent Myers

Friday, 6 October 2017


Dear Folks,

Projectiondreams for the last 4 years have been at the forefront of IPTV development.

With our expertise in video calibration and sound acoustics we know how to get a great sound and what a great picture should look like..

IPTV takes a massive step forward with the GENESIS HD PRO service.

Designed primarily for the Formula Z 4K Media  players,the picture quality is the best around-a hair away from full HD 1080p images,the sound full and deep..


****This service also works fine on Mag 250s,254s and 256s.

Partnered with a Teltronika dual sim wi fi router,this is as the moment the best way to get quality service and performance.

We have established this with A/B testing of numerous other systems and using knowledge gained through almost 5 years of R & D testing..

We have this system on demo at our three showrooms in Almancil,Luz & Tavira.

Please phone 289 040403 for appointment.