Thursday, 31 January 2019



Never before has the economic climate seemed so "tricky"..many business`s collapse under the weight of continued taxation and charges.

One is penalized heavily financially for being legitimate it seems

Folks can be forgiven for not wanting to negotiate all the red tape and scrutiny that a visible business brings with it.

But,that is the law of the land and the price one must pay IF they want to create a business and build a reputation.

What of course drives these taxes and charges up is the fact that the legal must pay for the illegal...

And the reality?... Were there no illegal traders maybe the tax situation would improve..

Nevertheless,every day i see people selling electronic goods forums..mostly cheaper....and of course they can be cheaper..they have no premises to tax or IVA to warranty to offer.....

These illegal traders all but killed the economy in Spain now seek to do so in Portugal...

These trades should not be supported by any rational person that wants support..or indeed any possibility of recourse in the event of an issue..

A Factura (invoice) is YOUR protection-someone that cannot give you one-cannot give you the protection you need.

Projectiondreams have traded for almost 20 years now..almost 10 years in Portugal..our prices all match or fall below RRPs..we are distributors for many major brands ..we provide Facturas..we provide FULL warranties...You have two weeks buying grace from any purchase to change your mind ..We can provide many can see or in some instances trial the goods...

No,we do not profess to be the cheapest..thats the illegal traders domain..but they cannot offer what we

So to ALL folks coming to the is a great source of TRUSTED traders..Projectiondreams are proud to be included..

#algarvehomecinema #projectiondreams

Wednesday, 30 January 2019



For the first time in 60 years of Motion pictures we are poised to not only equal the quality of the local multiplex at home but exceed it .

It is estimated that 35mm film has a digital resolution equivalent to 4K: 

It is estimated that 70mm film has a digital resolution equivalent to 8K

But in the Cinema this was the theoretical maximum and could be affected once projected by a factor of 10-15%,

Of course a 4k image on a 30 meter wide Cinema screen, cannot look as dynamic as a 4k image on a 3 meter screen where the light is incredibly controlled.. 

From a sound perspective,the new codecs like Dolby Atmos,DTS X and Auro 3D are available for the home.

The only exception to this is IMAX which is  capable of up to 18K resolution but as most of the movies released are on 2K prints (a few on 4K) the true capability of IMAX is not being seen.

But IMAX is coming to the home as well- as IMAX ENHANCED in conjunction with pristine 4K Blu Ray prints or Kaleidascape.

Kaleidascape are Players and servers which group together to suit the needs of any home with Movies as bit for bit copies of the Blu Ray.

The award-winning Kaleidescape Strato is the world’s finest movie player. It provides the most convenient way for movie lovers to enjoy their favorite films in the best quality available anywhere. Strato can play a movie in 4K Ultra HD with high dynamic range at 60 frames per second, with lossless audio, including Dolby Atmos.
( )...

 The beautiful Kaleidescape onscreen display makes finding movies a pleasure. It starts a movie immediately without trailers or warnings, and lets you jump right to your favorite scene or song without fast forwarding. Integration with modern AV control systems enables delightful cinematic features – such as lights automatically dimming as the movie begins, and screen masking automatically adjusting to the film’s aspect ratio.

This means that the quality in a top flight consumer Cinema can NOW better a top commercial cinema.

Friday, 25 January 2019


Hello Folks,

Well,in the "old days" people sought three quotes (**with most choosing the middle value one.)

For services or labour-assuming each company was equally competent-this made some sense.

But does it make ANY sense with technology for example?

Making another assumption that ALL three companies are equally competent and ALL propose the exact same brand items as each other then the quote makes sense and cost becomes an important factor as nobody like to overpay.

Of course this scenario hardly ever happens because those three shops will not sell the same brands-precisely why in the hi fi industry and audio video industries..the sale has always depended on two main things..

1. The quality of demo/facilities.

2. The proficiency of that given company. (Qualified within the industry?  Testimonials?..Previous works?..)

This way the customer gets to experience for themselves the value of that which is encapsulated in the demonstration.

At Projectiondreams for example, we know we can prove our proficiency by that which we show..we espouse that which -for example with a client considering a Cinema-has TRUE Cinema Pedigree.

To give an analogy,if someone wanted to buy a sports car you wouldn`t try and sell them a 4 x 4 .

That someone wouldn`t -or shouldn`t -convince themselves that both will elicit a sports car performance.

Projectiondreams learnt many years ago that submitting a quote meant two things...

1. That the client-in the main- didn`t understand the difference in quality between items stated and had the mentality that a projector was a projector was a projector..

2..Really,it was about WHICH quote suited their budget..

So that quote the technological industry unless comparing apples with apples is completely useless and will favour the quote that matches what the client wants to spend.

In fact,the reverse is true..that chosen quote could have poor quality items..and IF you don`t know the company or have not checked them out,how do you know they will do a decent job?

It`s a fact that in the 20 plus years that Projectiondreams have been trading,not ONE person has ever asked to see our testimonials.

Now of course,we take that as a compliment because what we show the client is so convincing their own eyes and ears tell them the answer-nevertheless IF i was purchasing an expensive system here`s what i would do..

1.......Check the company out..ask for testimonials....ask for PROOF OF PROFICIENCY...(For that company certified as having THX and ISF professionals onboard?..Is that company a member of CEDIA?

2......Have a demonstration..for example..NEVER buy a Custom Cinema WITHOUT a demonstration...

3.....Always have two or three demonstrations if you can.

4....Try and establish IF the company you are dealing with is  A DISTRIBUTOR OR A DEALER.

A lot of dealers only sell that which their distributor espouses-BECAUSE..they have to...and in some instances don`t have the requisite knowledge to "go it alone"....

***Projectiondreams for example are distributors for most of their brands-our knowledge of the industry guides consumers and dealers alike..our prices also reflect that.

5....Give that company a budget then PUT your trust in the professionals..IF your budget is unrealistic for what you want,then the company will tell you..

For example,Projectiondreams build Custom Cinemas and have the largest portfolio of work in Portugal-which of course means-the most experience-we have three showrooms which shows the way the company has been able to grow..

Our Cinemas are built using solid acoustic principles and preparation and our equipment is at the requisite level required for the given space-again based on the science of what is necessary to adhere to the audio video known`s established by the guiding bodies...

You cannot get a good complete TRUE Cinema under a certain price point..

Below that point there have to be compromises made...

Of course there are alternatives under that budget,a Cine Lounge for example can have the quality necessary but encapsulated in a less "formal" arrangement.

So what is key is what one`s budget is and disclosing that..let the professionals make the right suggestions....but don`t think that by employing the "quote" process that you will get the same for will get LESS for less...that`s all. 



#algarvehomecinema #projectiondreams



A human with 20/20 vision can differentiate up to 160 pixels (80 intensity pairs) per degree of field of view. It’s possible to see the difference between 4K and 8K video, but depends on the size of the display and the distance from the viewer.
The human horizontal field of view (HFOV) is about 175 degrees.
 To make the pixels disappear - have more than 160 pixels per degree of field of view - a 4K monitor needs to fill less than 24 degrees HFOV (14%), and an 8K monitor less than 48 degrees (28%). Those numbers aren’t very big.
If you wanted to have a head-mounted display fill 100% of your HFOV at 160 pixels per degree the resolution would need to be 28K.

For gaming for example,If we get to a display resolution of about 8k horizontally and about 6k vertically then, for a player with 20/20 vision, they will have something that is close to perfect for their visual system.”
(*Beyond that, the human eye wouldn’t be able to perceive any more detail on their screen. There’ll be no great race to 16K or 32K.)
So..the difference between 1080p,4K,8K is really one of fine detail and sitting at the correct viewing distance to perceive that detail-this is where the science of setup and calculating viewing distances are ALL important to ensure that you have the correct information to get the best out of your display. 8K image....
Where 8K images will come into their own of course is where your left and right peripheral vision are not occupied by anything other than the image..the IMMERSIVE 360 technique...that Projectiondreams have employed in their setup for some years now.

In short ABOVE 65" tv`s and assuming you want to ensure that the experience is optimal, I would suggest 8K..... not buy an 8K display IF you are further back beyond a point where your peripheral vision is not occupied.


Monday, 21 January 2019


Dear All,

At Projectiondreams we are passionate about raising the bar of the home cinema experience to equal or exceed the greatest commercial cinema experience.

This means matching specifications and products and aural & visual preparations.

At Projectiondreams we are endorsed by the major commercial manufacturers of the real cinema experience and our criteria matches those exactly.

Sony Professional for our 4K laser projectors...

Recently we have been awarded distributorship of Aurea speakers-the consumer version of the famous LW speakers used by all the top commercial cinemas around the world.

Our systems are Dolby Atmos..and we have devised specific systems for specific room sizes..

Here`s what Luis Wassman (LW speakers) has to say about our packages...

"  these are designed by true professionals "..

Praise indeed from the guy that provides sound for the greatest commercial cinemas in the world...

Most notably the Odeon Luxe in Leicester Square-rated as the best Cinema in Europe,.

For example,do you know the ideal brightness level to achieve in a Cinema?

It has to be spot on..and we match the level achieved by dual laser projectors in the Odeon Luxe...31 Ft Lamberts..

This means the ideal dynamic picture WITHOUT a headache....

Then let`s talk about the acoustics of the actual has to be a neutral aural playing field with excessive reflections and bass boom eradicated/corrected.

Studio Standard.

So for your Cinema..what do you know?

It will match the criteria and specification of the very best commercial cinema..the Odeon Luxe..indeed due to the intimacy and studio standard will top will have the latest sound codecs like Dolby Atmos and DTS X,Auro 3D and be endorsed by Sony Pro and Luis Wassman-the two main players in the commercial market..

..Ohhh..and IF you want your Cinema chairs exactly the same as those used in the Odeon Luxe..we shall make them for you...

Accuracy is everything..

#algarvehomecinema #projectiondreams

Thursday, 17 January 2019


Dear All,

We all know that technology moves on a pace-BUT..some of us who want the latest and greatest are hesitant because we spent a lot of cash 3-4 years ago (or longer) and of course its the law of diminishing returns as normally when you PX your old equipment you get very little in trade in.

Well..Projectiondreams as distributors for most of the major brands can cure this...

We will give ANY client -whether our client originally OR someone else`s a dealer price..

This means that on certain brands you can save upto 20-25% on consumer prices-which in great part alleviates the depreciation on your old equipment!

Remember this,IF for example,you have had a top flight Cinema 4 or more years ago you likley won`t have certainly won`t have Laser projection,you definately won`t have Dolby Atmos or DTS X..or Auro 3D.....

In addition,there have been great advancements in the quality of Cinema chairs..acoustic preperation and audio/video setup.

For a lot less than you think you can transform your Cinema!

Projectiondreams do a FREE technological audit..where we tell you exactly how to cost effectively upgrade..what can be kept..what should be swapped..

The aim is that your Cinematic experience is awesome..that the decor is stunning and once again you are "top of the tree" with a cutting edge system for a fraction of what you thought it would cost!!!

What do you have to lose?...Book the audit today and prepare to be ready for tomorrow.....

Here`s just a few of the products you won`t have ..YET.....



#algarvehomecinema #projectiondreams