Monday 11 November 2019


Hello Folks,

THE most important thing in creating a top flight Cinema is acoustic preperation.

To hear the sound as the director intended means that one must create an acoustic integrity within the room to near studio standards.

The room must be a neutral acoustic zone,devoid of any sound reflections or echo.

With a Dolby Atmos soundtrack,sounds are placed in precise positions at the mixing stage

Reflected sound creates an indistinct sound field whereby placement of sounds is inaccurate which can ruin the Dolby Atmos or DTS X experience. .

Without the requisite acoustic preperation,you cannot have a REAL this is mandatory..and of course,each room is unique..

A couple of Cinemas in process..

..The difference of course that such makes is astounding..and the experience SHOULD be astounding..

Once the room is prepared,then stage 2 begins..the integration of synergistic equipment with field of view techniques utilised,ISF and THX ideology observed and careful setup.

Once complete you have the holy triumverate of Audio Visual...1.Prepared..2.Planned..and 3, Setup.

Of course at Projectiondreams..everything is meticulous..the aesthetic decor...the size of the chairs..the height of the stages..everything....

ONLY when the above is integrated carefully can you truly have a REAL cinema...