Friday 18 July 2014


Dear Folks,

Successful Interior Design encompasses the following elements:-

Design knowledge,Building knowledge,Decor knowledge,Audio Video expertise,Home Automation and Lighting knowledge.

It is about functionality married to the aesthetic beauty of the desired theme.

Projectiondreams as masters of the Custom Cinema (*THE most difficult room to design in a home) find it incredibly easy to design other areas of the home.

The difference is with Projectiondreams compared to other Interior Designers is we have all our skillsets onboard..custom cabinet makers-Muralists,builders,Lighting and Network experts...we even own our own speaker company-Image Audio and have a share in a large Sofa/Cinema chair company in the North of Portugal..whatever you want can be accomplished...

What about an electric dome that opens to expose the stars when you are eating in the dining room?..what about a lift that takes you down to the Entertainment basement?..What about a themed Cinema or totally circular one?...What about mood lighting or SPR (Specific Room Tuning) that creates a Jazz club?..or a Blues club?

Come into our showrooms and let us design your home to make it truly special..let us create renderings to give you an idea of what`s possible..let your home look great and perform assortment of companies..true synergy for the home...

Interior 360.

Best Regards,

Vincent Myers M.D.

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