For those who stream video from online sources, the speed at which data can be sent into their home is critical. If your connection isn’t fast enough, streaming video can sometimes stall as it fills the buffer in the receiving device, or the content provider might send a lower-quality stream because it senses that your available speed can’t handle anything more.
What many refer to as “Internet speed” is actually the bandwidth available to accept data from the Internet into your home. Measured in megabits per second (Mbps), it’s the amount of data that can be transferred from “the cloud” to your connected devices in one second.
Now, we can get (in selected areas) fiber optic with a capability to handle 100 Mbps.
Currently, no video streaming requires anything close to 100 Mbps. But all of the Internet-connected computers and devices in your home network share the total bandwidth you’re paying for. Some of the bandwidth might be used by others in your home who want to stream to their TV or play online games. Also, if your neighbors subscribe to the same cable provider or share your building’s overall bandwidth, that can decrease the bandwidth you have available if they all want to stream at the same time.
As you’ll see below, even a huge video file with 3D and 1080p resolution and Dolby Digital Plus audio requires less than 10 Mbps. Still, if you want to stream 3D or 1080p videos, I recommend opting for an Internet speed of at least 20 Mbps. This takes into account that others might use the Internet at the same time.
At 20 Mbps or more, video streaming of most content will usually run as smoothly as live TV. Yet, several factors could still cause the video to stall and buffer. Popular streaming services could have too many people trying to access the same video at the same time. Perhaps you’re streaming in the evening when demand for bandwidth is high in your neighborhood, or others in your house might also be streaming HD content.

Bandwidth and streaming video (kung fu panda)
If you have an older router with limited bandwidth capabilities, your streaming device might not be receiving all the bandwidth it needs. This is especially true of WiFi connections, which can also be problematic because of interference from other wireless devices in the home. If router is more than three years old and want to stream video, consider investing in an AV router like Netgear’s WNDR 4500, D-Link’s Amplifi, or Western Digital’s MyNet900.
Netflix, Hulu Plus, and many network-TV streaming sites will automatically test your Internet speed before a video begins streaming. Based on its determination of your speed, it will deliver the best video quality—from standard definition to 1080p—that it thinks will run smoothly on your computer or device.
Vudu gives you the option of manually testing your Internet speed before renting or buying a movie.
You don’t want to pay more for a high-quality video only to have it stop because your Internet connection isn’t fast enough. To test your network speed, go to the “My Vudu” tab and click on “Info & Settings.” Choose the Network test and run the test to see what speed Vudu recommends for your player. If you do rent a high-quality movie and it repeatedly stops to buffer, a message will appear offering to downgrade the quality of the movie you are watching for smoother video streaming.
You don’t want to pay more for a high-quality video only to have it stop because your Internet connection isn’t fast enough. To test your network speed, go to the “My Vudu” tab and click on “Info & Settings.” Choose the Network test and run the test to see what speed Vudu recommends for your player. If you do rent a high-quality movie and it repeatedly stops to buffer, a message will appear offering to downgrade the quality of the movie you are watching for smoother video streaming.
Here is a list of the Internet speeds recommended by several popular streaming services:
- Mbps for viewing on a laptop computer
- Mbps for SD video on a TV
- Mbps for 720p HD video
- Mbps for “the best video and audio experience” (according to Netflix)
Hulu Plus
Note: If a TV show or movie repeatedly needs to buffer, Hulu Plus will stop streaming the video and recommend that you downgrade the video quality.
Note: If a TV show or movie repeatedly needs to buffer, Hulu Plus will stop streaming the video and recommend that you downgrade the video quality.
- Mbps for SD video
- Mbps for 720p video
- Over 3.2 Mbps for best quality HD video and audio
Note: All Vudu movies are streamed with Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 audio.
Note: All Vudu movies are streamed with Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 audio.
- 1.0 – 2.3 Mbps for SD video
- 2.3 – 4.5 Mbps for 720p video
- 4.5 – 9.0 Mbps for HDX 1080p video
- Over 9 Mbps for 3D HD movies
With IPTV the service providers will normally stream at no more than between 3.5-5Mbps-because of the limitation of most folks internet.
That gives you a great picture at minimum of 720p.
This means IF you are only streaming IPTV you need a consistent minimum of at least 5Mbps download ability from your ISP.
Recently, H.265 (HEVC) compression encoding is becoming more prevalent with service providers and equipment-allowing larger files to be sent losing less bandwidth.(think of this as a "zipped video file"..unzipped when it finally reaches the IPTV box......HEVC offers about double the data compression ratio at the same level of video quality, or substantially improved video quality at the same bit rate. It supports resolutions up to 8192×4320, including 8K UHD.)
**So by way of example,a 10Mbps stream would be compressed at source -converted to 5Mbps-then
expanded back to 10Mbps once it reaches your replay device.
Of course,the ISPs peddle poor services,poor bandwidth allocations,small print allowing them to slow down anyone downloading or streaming large video files-they care not a jot that it`s the future and they sold & promised a "fuel" allowance that they then renege on...
Big brother is truly here with ..yes you can stream video..BUT only if its that ISPs services..not someones else`s..:-)..traffic shaping is prolific.
I urge EVERYONE to monitor their download speeds and threaten legal action IF it doesn`t do what it says on the tin.-and if the ISP doesn`t allow you out of the "2 year " contract that they has been ruled by European law to be excessive and in no way binding beyond 12mths.
Excercise your rights .threaten TO REPORT THEM TO ANACOM..ask for the complaints book.
IPTV service providers for example-can encode 4k now..compress and send at about a minimum of 7.5Mbps to 12.5Mbps-to be expanded upto 15Mbps/25Mbps.
No big deal for Fiber Optic..normal broadband which averages out at about 12mbps during the day and 6Mbps at night..
No chance...
Buying ANY ISP service now that cannot guarantee 50Mbps during the day and 25Mbps at an utter waste of time IF you want to stream 4K.
Don`t forget this is JUST for streaming..where other devices are involved..a minimum recommended bandwidth capability is 25Mbps.
I know what your thinking...
How can we watch the services we would like to then?
What`s the minimum combination necessary?
Well,taking IPTV as an example..
You need the following....
1. The latest H.265/4k capable IPTV box`s..****I recommend the Formula Z series box`s.
2. Minimum of 5Mbps AT NIGHT..from whatever ISP you can (*preferably find one who isnt selling video services) ...
3. A DUAL PORTAL IPTV service to increase reliability- because DESPITE what some may say NO service is going to be "up" all the time..servers have issues,maintenance is necessary from time to time..
Two services -which costs less than 50 Euros per month-will double your chances of having SOME service whatever.
EEEEKKKK....50 Euros per month i hear you say...:-)
Look at it like this....50% of the cost of a SKY full package..
I will add-whatever you do -demo the system you are going to have..ensure you have support..
Finally..IF anyone tells you they are a source provider and have their own servers..they are lying-plain and simple ..because source providers (true ones) dont sell to the general public-they sell to resellers.
Vincent Myers M.D. Projectiondreams******.
******Projectiondreams are the largest IPTV box seller in Portugal-focusing on developing the platform and raising the bar of quality-for example we no longer sell the Mag box`s -decent in their day but eclipsed by the Formulas now)...We are pushing for H.265 with our service providers
I know what your thinking...
How can we watch the services we would like to then?
What`s the minimum combination necessary?
Well,taking IPTV as an example..
You need the following....
1. The latest H.265/4k capable IPTV box`s..****I recommend the Formula Z series box`s.
2. Minimum of 5Mbps AT NIGHT..from whatever ISP you can (*preferably find one who isnt selling video services) ...
3. A DUAL PORTAL IPTV service to increase reliability- because DESPITE what some may say NO service is going to be "up" all the time..servers have issues,maintenance is necessary from time to time..
Two services -which costs less than 50 Euros per month-will double your chances of having SOME service whatever.
EEEEKKKK....50 Euros per month i hear you say...:-)
Look at it like this....50% of the cost of a SKY full package..
I will add-whatever you do -demo the system you are going to have..ensure you have support..
Finally..IF anyone tells you they are a source provider and have their own servers..they are lying-plain and simple ..because source providers (true ones) dont sell to the general public-they sell to resellers.
Vincent Myers M.D. Projectiondreams******.
******Projectiondreams are the largest IPTV box seller in Portugal-focusing on developing the platform and raising the bar of quality-for example we no longer sell the Mag box`s -decent in their day but eclipsed by the Formulas now)...We are pushing for H.265 with our service providers
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